Quick and Cost-Effective
United works with a number of top-level providers of financing and leasing solutions. Listed below are several companies that can assist you in getting the equipment you need for your business.
If you already work with a different provider, we will still be able to assist you! Please contact us to coordinate working with your financing partner.
What Does It Mean To Lease Equipment?
Why Lease?
No down payment is required. Usually, only one or two payments are due at signing. Those payments are applied to the lease so the lease term is actually reduced by the number of payments received at signing. The business owner treats the equipment purchase as an expense, so the equipment can usually be treated as a "100% write off" and complicated depreciation schedules are avoided.
Advantages of Leasing Out Your Equipment
- The equipment being leased is the collateral and there are no compensating balances needed
- The risk of obsolescence is to the lending company (the Lessor)
- Leased equipment is treated as an operating expense and does not appear as liabilities on the balance sheet
- Leased equipment is treated as a business expense and is not reported on the business owner's personal credit report; therefore, credit scores and debt ratios are unaffected.
Differences Between Loan and Lease-To-Own Systems
Rates are usually floating and based on prime rate or another index. Monthly payments fluctuate.
Payments are generally fixed for the term of the lease.
Amount Financed
Banks generally lend a portion of the equipment costs.
Up to 100% financing is available, including soft costs and sales tax.
Extra Costs
Banks use fees to boost their rates of return on loans.
Depending on the transaction size, documentation fees are minimal.
Available Terms
Banks tend to be less flexible.
In most cases, you choose the terms, the purchase option, and the down payment.
Equipment Types
Will not finance equipment they do not understand or feel has limited collateral value.
Can finance for most equipment types.
Banks are slow credit decision makers. It can take weeks to prepare your request and bring it to the credit committee for review.
Usually within one business day, you can have an application processed and approved.
Usually secured loans by requiring additional collateral. (Common practice for banks to file a blanket lien against all current and future assets of your company).
In most instances, the only collateral is the equipment being leased.